Saturday, July 28, 2007

Week 2, #3: Set up Blog


Week 1, Thing 2: Pointers From Lifelong Leaners

Viewed the tutorial, "7 1/2 Habits of Lifelong Learners"
Easiest Habit: Beginning with the end in mind
Hardest Habit: View problems as challenges

Learning Contract. The recommendations that sounded most useful to me are:
Obstacles - Try to anticipate them in advance
Path to Goal - Create task list, with target dates for completion
Check in - Do this periodically to help stay on track.

Week 1: Read Blog and Find Out About 23 Things

Well, I've finally started 23 Things, and what I knew would happen, did: one can get sucked into all these new tools, sites, and content and never return!

Before even completing my blog registration, I felt compelled to look at what other participants had posted, and found myself getting caught up in their interesting links, and the links from those interesting links, etc., etc. This can be a dangerous thing...

Anyway, now that I have resurfaced and created this blog, I am going to try to do what everyone has recommended, namely, limiting my time to just the essentials and moving on to the next thing as quickly as possible. To facilitate this, I have some note paper next to me, where I can jot down some of the stuff I want to return to some other time.